1 | Program to print welcome in c++ |
2 | To print square and cube of first 10 natural nos |
3 | 3.Program to convert inches to cm |
4 | To find given no. is even or odd |
5 | To check if a number is +ve, -ve or zero |
6 | To print 1st n natural numbers |
7 | To print 1st n natural numbers |
8 | prg to print sum of any given n numbers |
9 | To find factorial of a number |
10 | To find sum of digits of a number |
11 | Program to reverse a number |
12 | Program to find roots of a quadratic equation |
13 | Program to check a given number is prime or not |
14 | Program to print prime numbers from 1 to n |
15 | To find if a number is an armstrong or not |
16 | Prg to print armstrong numbers from 1-n |
17 | Program to check a given number is perfect or not |
18 | Program to print perfect numbers from 1 to n |
19 | Program to print Fibonacci series |
20 | Program to print multiplication table |
21 | To find sum of ‘n’ +ve no’s if a –ve no is encountered break out |
22 | To find sum of ‘n’ +ve nos if a -ve is encountered continue |
23 | Program to swap two numbers using call by value |
24 | Program To Swap Two Numbers using Call by Address |
25 | Program to swap two numbers using call reference |
26 | Function overloading to add 2 ints,3 ints,2floats |
27 | Function overloading to swap 2 ints,2 chars, 2 floats |
28 | To find sum of ‘n’ elements in a single dimensional array |
29 | To find greatest element in a single dimensional array |
30 | To count no of odd, even, +ve and -ve 1-D array |
31 | To find factorial of a number using recursive function |
32 | Program to find gcd of 2 numbers using recursive function |
33 | To find sum of elements of a upper triangle in a matrix |
34 | Program to find the greatest element in a matrix |
35 | Program to find sum of 2 matrices |
36 | Program to find the product of 2 matrices |
37 | Program to find the transpose of a given matrix |
38 | Program to find trace of a given matrix |
39 | To print student's mark sheet for n students |
40 | Using inline function to find greatest of two numbers |
41 | Using inline function to perform all arithmetic operations |
42 | Program to print date using scope resolution operator |
43 | Program to print date, defining function inside the class |
44 | Program to enter and display ‘n’ objects |
45 | To print date passing constants as parameters to function |
46 | To print date passing variables as parameters to function |
47 | To find greater of 2 numbers by nesting member function |
48 | Perform all arithmetic operations by nesting member function |
49 | Program to implement static data member |
50 | program to implement static member functions |
51 | Program to implement default constructor |
52 | Program to implement parameterized constructor |
53 | Program for implementation of copy constructor |
54 | Program to implement overloaded constructor |
55 | Program to print Fibonacci series using constructor |
56 | To find gcd of two numbers using constructor and destructors |
57 | To add 2 complex nos(use of objects as function args) |
58 | To find mean of two numbers using friend function |
59 | To add 2 complex numbers using friend function |
60 | To add time using friend function |
61 | To show a friend function being friend to both Classes |
62 | To overload unary minus using member function |
63 | To overload unary minus using friend function |
64 | To overload greater than operator using member function |
65 | To overload assignment operator using member function |
66 | To overload all arithmetic operator for 2 complex numbers |
67 | For single inheritence by public derivation |
68 | Program for multiple inheritence |
69 | Program for multilevel inheritence |
70 | Program to implement hybrid inheritence |
71 | Program for hierarchical inheritence |
72 | Program for virtual base class |
73 | Using pre processor macro to find square of a number |
74 | Using pre processor macro to find greater of 2 no’s |
75 | Using function template to add 2 ints,2 long ints and 2 floats |
76 | Using template to swap 2 ints,2 chas and 2 floats |
77 | function template for sorting n ints and n floats |
78 | Program for function template for binary search |
79 | Program for class template by taking single parameter |
80 | program for class templates taking multiple parameters |
81 | Simple program for exception handling |
82 | Implementing a function that generates an exception |
83 | Program for multiple catch statements |
84 | Program for catching all exceptions in a single catch |
85 | Program for rethrowing |
86 | Program for operations using char files |
87 | To work with a single file |
88 | Program for creating a txt file |
89 | Program to implement scope resolution operator |
90 | Program for binary files |
91 | Program to implement command line arguments |
92 | To count no of lines,words and characters in a given string |
93 | Program for bisection method |
94 | Program for lagranges interpolation formula |
95 | Program to implement newton-raphson method |
96 | program for Newton’s backward interpolation formula |
97 | Program for Newton’s forward interpolation formula |
98 | Program for Simpson’s 1/3rd rule |
99 | To implement successive approximation method |
100 | Program for trapezoidal rule |